Pathfinder 2e
FREE Download: Pathfinder 2e pdf
This comprehensive 640-page guide to the Pathfinder roleplaying game provides everything you need to set out on a world of limitless fantasy adventure! Choose from ancestries like elf, human, and goblin and classes like alchemist, fighter, and sorcerer to create a hero of your own design destined to become a legend! Based on more than 20 years of active development and playtest feedback from more than 125,000 gamers, the new Pathfinder rules are easy to learn and exciting to master! This indispensable volume contains all rules for players and Game Masters and is your first step on a heroic new journey!
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The Pathfinder Core Rulebook includes:
· More than 600 pages of game rules, advice, character options, treasure, and more for players and Game Masters!
· Six heroic player character ancestries, including elf, dwarf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and human, with variant heritages for half-elf and half-orc!
· More than 30 backgrounds like bartender, soldier, or apprentice to further immerse yourself in your hero’s backstory!
· Twelve character classes, including the alchemist, barbarian, bard, champion, cleric, druid, fighter, monk, ranger, rogue, sorcerer, and wizard!
· Hundreds and hundreds of spells, class feats, and other exciting abilities to help you customize your character to become the hero YOU envision her to be!
· Streamlined and revised rules to help ease new players into the game while providing the depth of character options and tactical interest that have defined Pathfinder from the beginning!
As I was wrapping up my read of the Pathfinder 2E Core Rulebook, I showed it to a group of five 10th grade boys. These boys love D&D 5e yet had never heard of Pathfinder.
The boys were gobsmacked by the book and we flipped through it for over an hour, giddily talking about the contents. Two of the boys rolled up characters on the fly. Another begged me to let him take the book home with him. (Sorry, kid. NDA.) So, why were they so thrilled with Pathfinder 2E?
First, Pathfinder 2E is recognizable. Pathfinder 2E has the core of what D&D 5e and Pathfinder 1st Edition players are comfortable with: a great skill system, d20 rolls, identifiable character classes, and so much more.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it and Pathfinder 2E captures the same feel as well as many of the enduring mechanics that has made roleplaying games enjoyable for decades.
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Second, Pathfinder 2E is simple. In the same way that it feels right, it plays right as well. There isn’t an ounce of added complexity and anything that does have a little granularity to it is there for a darned good reason.
Pathfinder 2e character creation is simply a breeze. I mentioned that two of the high school boys created characters on the fly and I wasn’t exaggerating. Paizo calls the steps of character creation the “ABCs” (Ancestry, Background, Class) and the book lays them out superbly. In short, because everything is so recognizable and it’s presented so cleanly, it makes for a simple process.
Thirdly, Pathfinder 2E is highly customizable. Maybe you read the above and scoff that the simplicity makes it sound like a mere child’s game, worthy only of pimply 10th grade boys. Well, let’s dig a bit deeper.
We’ve established that character creation is simple but there is a vast array of feats that are available to each class. And they get more each level! That sounds like it could get complicated quick, no?
Well, as you build a character and as you level, you can choose but it’s only about 6 feats at a time. As more of these individual choices are made it grants the ability to make highly customized characters but, in a way, where the choices aren’t overloading or threatening.
It’s a delight actually. Pathfinder 2E treats us nerds to a roleplaying game with a tremendous amount of depth and options but without one iota of unnecessary complication.
This is true of skills as well. While the skill system is instantly recognizable and understandable, it also allows for fun flexibility. A character can be Untrained, Trained, Expert, Master, or Legendary and those designations come with a 0, +2, etc. modifier.
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This brings me to my next point: Pathfinder 2E is flavorful. While the above designations of Trained and Expert are really easy to wrap your mind around, they also set up a nice gradation for play.
Some RPG mechanics like Advantage/Disadvantage are wonderful, but they are like an ON/OFF switch. The Pathfinder 2E skill system is like a dimmer switch on your basement lights. Sure, on or off is fine but isn’t it nice to effortlessly slide the level of brightness up or down?
Those gradations allow for distinctive moments in game play that come as easy as saying, “I am a Master in Stealth and roll a…” The system allows for modifiers that are super easy to determine, make logical sense, and also add fun to the game play. That’s a win.
And, yes, Pathfinder 2E is streamable. The million dollar question with a roleplaying game nowadays is, “Can you stream it?” The answer with Pathinfder 2E is YES.
The 3-action economy plays fast. It also feels and plays much more cinematically over a system that’s a combination of standard, full round, bonus, move, and who knows what else actions. Each player gets three actions per turn. What will you do?
Story is also strong with Pathfinder 2E, which adds to the streamability. This edition is leaning into their setting of Golarion, going as far as adding a section in the Core Rulebook. Golarion has always been one of the more wide-open settings of any RPG and Paizo adventures have always been world class. Paizo is simply leaning into that.
The fast play, the streamlined system, and the nearly unlimited character options create a platform that will be wonderful to tell stories upon.